So I stole these pictures of my sister's blog because I couldn't resist. Seriously they do not get any cuter than these two!
♥ Treyson looks like such a big boy sitting up♥ He is such a cute little smiley baby I just love them to death!
Payton looks so old in this picture it almost makes me sad! I can remember so clearly the day she was born and it seems like it was just yesterday!
♥My two favorite kids ever♥
I love to video tape Payton and ask her to say all the cute things she does so when I get home I can watch it. Silly I know, but I love her that much :) When she talks to me on the phone now she says "Hello Nant Ne" and it cracks me up! I love how her newest thing is "I dunno know" and that she says it just to say it. At the end of the video she is singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" You may not think it's quite as cute as I do :)
You are the cutest Aunt! They are lucky to have you! Sorry that I haven't gotten back to you. It has been crazy here. I have been in SLC for a week with my Grandpa. I will have to call you! I haven't forgotten about you and still want you to come to good ol Castle Dale! Love you!
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