Nothing real major or exciting has been happening in my life lately so I figured I would just post some random pictures of some of the little things :)
My Little Chicago Bears Fan! YEAH! GO BEARS! I found this shirt at Old Navy and couldn't resist buying it for her, unfortunately they didn't have one in Treyson's size, so I went against my better judgement and bought him a Raiders shirt since it's Micah's favorite team, but I made Kacie promise she would keep the Bears shirt for whene he gets older! I also bought Payton a shirt that says "Cuter than Most" because lets face it, it's the truth!!!
Payton bugging Treyson! As you can see he is not loving it too much!
Treyson is getting so big, and is so smiley. He is so close to crawling it's hard to believe that he is 8 months old!
She finally did it! Becca finally decided to take the plunge with me and get rid of the higlights and go dark! It still ticks me off that she's older, but doesn't have to deal with the grey I do!
Last weekend I went down to watch Jessica dance at a football game. I love her so much and am so proud of her :)
Kacie and Micah came down to watch Micah's dad play in the Senior Olympics. That night I went with them to a banquet where he got his medal before he got it these seniors performed a talent. I had to video tape it! Watch it! It's worth it :)
Paige is so cute in her CUBS gear, I love Becca's hair dark, and Jessica's dance was awesome, I do that same sort of dance every morning in my living room! LOVE YOU!
Love all the randomness! I am glad that you still update. I need to do that too. Things have been really crazy here. I need to talk to you! Call me or I will call you! Love you
Here's the annon comment you are expecting:) Love getting peeks at all that is going on in your life- almost as cool as hearing about it! 您是最佳的 Love ya - Bec
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