How did I get so lucky that this would be the year my birthday would fall on Friday! Despite being on Friday the 13th it was great (minus the slight ankle sprain). My grandma took my sister and I and some of the family out to a really nice dinner the night before my birthday, it was really yummy. Usually my birthday falls over Spring Break so I don't ever have to worry about the kids or anyone else embarassing me at school. Well this year that didn't happen. So here is my story. My best friend, Becca, who is exactly 6 months and 1 day older then me got a lot of harassment from me when she turned 30, and has been telling me ever since she was going to get me back. All week she had been telling me that she was sending a Scottish guy to my school to play the funeral march on the bagpipes. I was totally sure she was just joking, and really never thought anything of it wellll the morning of my bday I get a text that says "k the bagpiper should be there any minute!" and I send back our famous "wwwwww" this was about 9:45 and I knew she had class at 10 and was figuring I was more than safe. Not two minutes later (I had the kids outside running) this boy in my class (who she told to tell me this) runs outside to me and says "Miss Sullivan there's a guy in our room!" Jory was coming to get my keys to take my car, so I said "I know it's fine don't worry about it!" and he said "No! he's scottish, playing the bagpipes and wearing a kilt!" At that moment I hear the music coming from the side of the building and take off running the other way and yep you got it fall right on the ground and totally twist my ankle. Luckily, from around the corner I don't see anyone Scottish, but just Becca with a CD player, playing the funeral march. So, I have to admit she got me good on this one! I couldn't be mad for too long since she brought the kids cakecomplete with black roses, but it was so yummy! She even remembered to bring forks, cake cutter and plates. (is she a mother or what!) She also gave me a photo album that I love and a bracelet that says "Live Well. Love, Much, Laugh Often" my favorite saying. I love it! So even though she got me good who else would go to all the trouble and the kids were more than happy. Thanks Bec :) I love ya, but next September isn't too far away! I have to start plotting now!
My room mom came in later that day and brought me a cheesecake, complete with 30 candles, and Mountain Dew. She is such a sweetheart :)
Jory gave me clothes and flowers. I'm not so crazy about flowers most of the time, but these were pretty. He also took me out for Seafood that favorite! The yellow ones were from my friend at school, she also made me homemade reeses peanut butter cups. Yummy!
I got to pick out my own presents from a lot of people, so I took advantage of it and went bargain shopping in Vegas over Spring Break. Lots of good stuff :) I still can't believe I have to say I'm 30! I think I'm holding at 29 still.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Turning 30 on Friday the 13th!!!
Posted by Tara at 8:16 PM 4 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
♥Happy Birthday Grandpa♥ 1931-2007
Today would have been my grandpa's 78th birthday, so I just wanted to take a minute and tell some of my favorite things about him. I love that he taught us all hard work. He taught us that if you want something you have to work for it, in life there are no free hand outs. He taught me the importance of the telling the people that you love that you love them and telling them often. He never let me walk out the door without telling me he loved me. You never know what tomorrow will bring. He taught me that when God has blessed you, it's your job to bless and help out other people.
Happy Birthday Grandpa! and thank you for all the wonderful memories.♥ I love you always and forever.
Posted by Tara at 2:53 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Jessica's Dance Review
Saturday we rushed back from Salt Lake down to Mesquite to go to Jessica's dance review. It was great, and she did so good! I ♥ this girl :)
Here is Jess with her escort, Zach.
Couldn't leave Tori out of course, she got to perform onc dance too since she's a cheerleader at the middle school.
Here I am with both Jess and Tori. I love both of these girls so much and am so grateful to have both of them in my life.
Now for the damper on the weekend..driving home from the dance review the alternator in Jory's car decides to go out on the middle of the freeway, so we are driving in the dark with no lights and the car slowly losing power..not fun! To make a long story short we ended up waiting forever for a tow truck and didn't get home until 2 in the morning! Other than that minor mishap though the weekend was great!
Posted by Tara at 8:59 PM 0 comments
The Jazz Game!!!!!!
This last weekend was an exciting fun filled one! Starting with Friday night Jory and I got to go up to the Jazz Game! They were playing Denver, and starting off playing really bad, but as the game went on they ended up taking over and it was an awesome game! Any game is great that the Jazz win! The streak is still alive baby!! 11 and hopefully many more to come Go Jazz!!!!
Since my all time favorite basketball player ever and the best point guard to play the game no longer plays I figured this was as close to getting a picture with him that I could get. I'm talking about John Stockton, of course :)
Here is the man I'm going to marry one day, Kyle Korver and Carlos Boozer
Of course the wonderful Deron Williams..I ♥ this guy!
As much as I love the Jazz I still love ♥Payton♥ and ♥Treyson♥ more so the best part of the trip was getting to see them! Are they the cutest ever or what??
Posted by Tara at 7:54 PM 0 comments