Sunday, March 21, 2010

Nascar February 27th and 28th

Once again I am totally behind with the blogging! I don't know what my deal is I used to be so good at this blogging thing! At the end of February Kara, MaCail and I went down to the annual Vegas Nascar race. Every year I've seen all these crazy people in Mesquite coming from Vegas fighting all those crowds and told myself I would NEVER go to all that trouble for some dumb race! Well....Kara is a HUGE Nascar and this was what she wanted to do for her birthday. Good thing I love her! It was actually a lot of fun and pretty interesting. Much better in person than on TV. I still don't think I could watch a whole race on TV. I'm glad we go to go :)

Here we are with our earplugs. It was crazy how loud it was and there was no way you could go all day and not wear them.

After they introduced the drivers they drove them around the track in trucks. They were some pretty hot race car drivers :))

This was a caution lap, during the race they went by so fast there was no way you could take a picture.

Gotta love the Sunglasses and ear plugs! Great combination!

I thought this pink car was awesome! Too bad it didn't do so well!

The race we went to Saturday night was sooo cold! Here MaCail and I are trying to show just how cold it was.

Rain delayed and bored.

Sunday we all decked out in Kara's Nascar gear. I ended up wearing all Jimmy Johnson stuff, and who knew he won the race so at the end of the day I looked pretty smart :)) Thanks Kara :)

Sunday we got these head phone things that were pretty cool we could listen to the announcer or to any of the drivers talking to their pit crews.

Here we are sad because the weekend is over :(


Unknown said...

Looks like nothing but good times on the ol race track! I've never experienced Nascar..maybe one day. :)