Thursday, January 14, 2010

~New Year's Resolutions!~

So I'm a little late with this post, but better late than never right! I have never been good at keeping New Year's Resolutions. I think last year was the 1st year I ever actually met my goal. My one and only New Year's Resolution last year was to go through the temple before the year was over, and I did it YAH! This year I decided to make two, and see if I can keep both.

1. Walk 20 miles a week. Lets be honest here I haven't kept any sort of exercise goal in like 10 years! Becca and I are doing this together, 5 miles a day. Some weeks we are doing 25 but decided to keep our goal at 20. I'm positive that she is the only person in the world I would be able to keep this one with. We are able to keep each other going :) Being able to spend that hour a day in our "therapy session" and exercising at the same time is just an added plus. We've been doing it for about 3 weeks now, and as you can see from our picture come rain or shine we are meeting our goal! Notice the frozen hair :) We are still trying to decide how we are going to keep our goal on our 7 day Mexican Rivera Cruise we are going on in March!!!!! So excited!!!! 51 days!

2. Attend the temple at least once a month. I was thinking I should do more, but I want to be able to reach my goal and if I'm able to go more than once a month that will just be a plus.


Anonymous said...

Of course we're going to keep our resolutions! I hear there may be rain all next week better make sure you have an umbrella:) and by the way - I can't believe you actually posted that picture and on facebook too!

Unknown said...

Sounds like some awesome goal! I am impressed and know you are driven enough to get it done!